Get away from it all and take refuge in one of the park’s less frequented corners!
Here alone, perfectly nestled in the gentle natural slope of the hillside, are three special pools:
- The Foot massage pool
- The Anti-cellulite pool
- The Relaxation pool
- Toned
- Stimulated
- Relaxed
- Health and wellbeing lovers
- Treatment addicts
- Tranquility seekers
The Foot massage pool
A pool dedicated to stimulating the soles of the feet, thanks to the numerous hydrojets. The activation of the so-called “Lejars sole” stimulates the receptors and has a positive reflex effect on the entire posture.
The Anti-cellulite pool
The hydro jets in the pool stimulate the lower back and the bottom, activating blood circulation and thus helping to counteract phenomena such as cellulite and localised adiposity.
The Relaxation pool
The water cascades in this pool are ideal for stimulating the neurovegetative system, which is why leaving your shoulders and cervical spine under the jets creates a pleasant feeling of well-being and relaxation.